Industry 5.0: A Transformative Vision for Europe
ESIR Policy Brief No. 3
European Commission
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
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Unit G1 – Common R&I Strategy & Foresight Service
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Industry 5.0:
A Transformative Vision
for Europe
Governing Systemic Transformations towards a
Sustainable Industry
ESIR Policy Brief No. 3
Sandrine DIXSON-DECLÈVE (Chair)
Pierre-Alexandre BALLAND
Francesca BRIA
Kirsten DUNLOP
Francisca MARTINS
Montserrat MIR ROCA
Andrea RENDA
2022 Directorate-General for Research and Innovation2
Table of Contents
1.1 Europe must bounce forward better 3
1.2 Industry must become the engine of Europe’s systemic transformation 4
1.3 Industry 4.0 is not the right framework to achieve Europe’s 2030 goals 5
2.1 Responsible at the value chain/ecosystem level 7
2.2 Regenerative, circular economic, by design 8
2.3 Self-sustaining and adaptive, less fragile 10
2.4 Decentralised, to achieve resilience and sustainability 11
2.5 Digitalised with purpose, to live within planetary boundaries 11
2.6 Measuring what matters: regenerative metrics and regulatory
frameworks 13
3.1 A new role for government: Industry 5.0 needs Government 5.0 14
3.2 Corporate governance 5.0 17
3.3 Vertical and horizontal coherence, at all levels of government and
through international standards 22
Industry 5.0 – A Transformative Vision for Europe
1 Introduction
Europe faces a triple imperative to protect, prepare and transform1 in its quest
for building forward better after the deadliest pandemic of the past century and
for building forward better to address the greatest challenge humanity has ever
faced – climate change and biodiversity collapse. An enormous challenge: how
to transform human life quickly enough to enable 8 billion people to live
sustainably and peacefully within planetary boundaries?
While Europe cannot face this challenge alone, we believe it can lead the global
community towards the deep systemic transformation that this and the next
decades will inevitably require. We think that Europe will only be able to
achieve this leadership if it will at once strengthen its internal cohesion and
capacity to speak with one single voice; and promote a deep transformation of
the economy at the global level by shifting beyond GDP determined growth and
embracing an Industry 5.0 programme.
Building resilience within our existing economy and transforming to a new set of
economic ecosystems that are more resilient to future shocks and stresses
should be Europe’s mission henceforth. Ensuring that European industrial
development is oriented towards resilience whilst enabling and accelerating the
transition to the age of sustainable wellbeing for all is an essential step for the
future of the EU industrial strategy. An EU-wide industrial strategy focused on
the constituent elements of Industry 5.0 would unleash Europe’s industrial
potential and reward resilient, sustainable, regenerative and circular economic
business conduct rather than short term overproduction and consumption
models determined by the current growth paradigm.
1.1 Europe must bounce forward better
PROTECTING and PREPARING Europe’s economy and society by seeking to
reconstitute the status quo ante is the wrong response to ensure medium- and
long-term prosperity for several reasons. First, trying to return to the status
quo means embracing paradigms in economic, social and environmental policy
that were already showing substantial deficiencies and materially negative
impact on critical dimensions of the economy (such as natural systems) before
the pandemic and can partly be held responsible for the dramatic impact of
COVID-19. Second, the COVID-19 crisis made clear that relying on and
stimulating a growth-oriented paradigm, based on value-extracting, highly
energy-intensive, massively wasteful and polluting materials and resource use,
as well as a very short-term approach to capitalism, will not help the world
achieve sustainable development in ways that respect planetary boundaries. On
the contrary, current paradigms of value-extracting economic, social and
industrial activity are root causes of global warming and the destruction of the
natural environment, resources and systems that human welfare and life
together with millions of other species depend on.
Therefore, the third imperative for Europe, therefore, is to radically
TRANSFORM its economy, its ways of life and its relationship with the
1 Protect, prepare and transform Europe – Publications Office of the EU (
environment. Transformation is urgent and will be needed at all levels of
government, economy and society if Europe wants to build a path to prosperity
in the medium and long term. The industry has a particular responsibility. For
instance, models from the European Commission foresee a reduction of GHG
emissions from industry between 18.2 to 25.1% over the next nine years2 to
achieve the objective of the climate law. Transformation means, first of all,
mainstreaming resilience, sustainability, regenerative and circular economic
principles in all its policies, and in the implementation of those policies, from
Horizon Europe to the national plans for resilience and recovery.
The past few months have sent mixed signals in this respect: alongside
resounding commitments to the twin transition, at the EU level, the stated
ambition to focus on people, planet, and prosperity has met with significant
resistance, leading to disappointing outcomes in key domains such as the
taxonomy for sustainable investment, as well as the full re-orientation of the
better regulation agenda towards a post-GDP paradigm. And a first analysis of
the available National Resilience and Recovery Plans showed that the Member
States have given priority to measures aimed at “protecting” current economic
and social activities – thus protecting the vested interests of both – and thereby
mitigating the short-term effects of the pandemic, rather than creating the
preconditions for change3.
1.2 Industry must become the engine of Europe’s systemic
In such a context – one that calls on all government and civil society elements
to drive change – the role of industry is pivotal. Without a profound industrial
transformation, it will be impossible for Europe to realise its ambition to become
a more resilient, sustainable, circular and regenerative economy while
preserving and nurturing its competitiveness at the international level.
In this policy brief, we argue that a new, much more ambitious and systemic
vision is needed for Europe’s industry compared to the one that is currently
proposed by the EU updated industrial strategy. We argue that engagement
with leading businesses and industrial actors, and support for industrial
innovation that delivers scaled solutions that are more sustainable and circular
economic, is essential to the EU vision of “competitive sustainability”. Industry
must become a protagonist: a driving force for systemic transformation and
planetary regeneration. This will require a deep transformation of business
models and a change in the mindset and the economic approaches in policy,
finance investment and corporate governance. More specifically, it entails a
fundamental redesign of value chains to embrace new technology possibilities,
sustainability, the application of circular economic design principles and
regenerative approaches. The redesign of value chains will deliver societal and
planetary wellbeing, as well as the adoption of metrics and indicators that
enable measurement of progress towards this vision; and a regulatory system
that effectively guides accelerated compliance, adoption and best practice.
2 See on page 52 under the following link:
3 De Vet et al. (2021) observe that “most measures consisted of horizontal support instruments without predetermined focus”; they
also mention the possible confusion generated by the multiplicity of targets given to national governments, including the twin
transition, resilience, consistency with the country-specific recommendations, etc.; and the lack of meta-level coordination,
especially for what concerns the need to reconcile national plans with the need to proactively shape inclusive, resilient, fair and
sustainable industrial value chains (on which, see our dedicated chapter below).5
We believe that industry should be regenerative and restorative by design and
by action, “giving back” the resources used in the past, interdependent with the
natural world, adaptive to change and based on core accountability for social
justice. Hence, we propose a new and bold vision for Industry 5.0 to supersede
Industry 4.0 and provide the directionality we need to drive scale innovation
that delivers new forms of economic and social value that effectively balance
people, planet and prosperity. We also believe that this transformation can only
be achieved if it is embraced at all levels of government, from the national and
local level to the EU, and that it needs to be promoted and used to align key
policies in the international arena.
Below, we articulate this vision with respect to the main elements that can drive
meaningful systemic transformation and how to measure progress at all levels
of government.
1.3 Industry 4.0 is not the right framework to achieve Europe’s
2030 goals
Over the past decade, Europe has gradually stepped up its commitment to
industrial transformation mostly by working on the transition towards so-called
industry 4.0, a paradigm that is essentially technological, centred around the
emergence of cyber-physical objects, and offering a promise of enhanced
efficiency through digital connectivity and artificial intelligence. However, the
Industry 4.0 paradigm, as currently conceived, is not fit for purpose in a
context of climate crisis and planetary emergency, nor does it address deep
social tensions. On the contrary, it is structurally aligned with the optimisation
of business models and economic thinking that are the root causes of the
threats we now face. The current digital economy is a winner-takes-all model
that creates technological monopoly and giant wealth inequality.
Industry 4.0 lacks key design and performance dimensions that will be
indispensable to make systemic transformation possible and to ensure the
necessary decoupling of resource and material use from negative
environmental, climate and societal impacts. These dimensions include:
- regenerative features of industrial transformation, so as to both
embrace the circular economy and positive restorative feedback loops
not as an afterthought, but as a key pillar of the design of entire value
chains; - an inherently social dimension, demanding attention to the wellbeing of
workers, the need for social inclusion and the adoption of technologies
that do not substitute, but rather complement human capabilities
whenever possible; and - a mandatory environmental dimension, which leads to the promotion of
transformation that eliminates the use of fossil fuels, promotes energy
efficiency, draws on nature-based solutions, regenerates carbon sinks,
restores biodiversity and crafts new ways of thriving in respectful
interdependence with natural systems.
Without a green and social industrial strategy as a cornerstone of the Green
Deal, the EU will not succeed in its journey towards a completely new economic6
paradigm within one generation (becoming climate-neutral by 2050 or rather by
2030, as the latest scientific evidence suggests). The Green Deal will define and
shape industrial policy making not only in the current mandate period of the
Commission but also far thereafter and can only do so with a deep just
transition policy in place. The proposed 1 trillion EUR, 10-year plan to put the
EU on course to climate neutrality by 2050 could de facto become a better
strategy for economic development in the EU, strengthening its position
globally. However, this has to be complemented by a long-term industrial
strategy that prepares industry for the digital and low-carbon economy and
allows industry to remain competitive and just while decarbonising. It must
direct industry towards the big societal challenges: a net-zero emissions
economy, inclusive growth, health, social and regional cohesion, sustainable
mobility and environmental regeneration.
2 A New Vision for Industry: towards Industry 5.0
The vision for ‘Industry 5.0’ we propose moves past a narrow and traditional
focus on technology-or economic enabled growth of the existing extractive,
production and consumption driven economic model to a more transformative
view of growth that is focused on human progress and well-being based on
reducing and shifting consumption to new forms of sustainable, circular and
regenerative economic value creation and equitable prosperity. Rather than
representing a technological leap forward, Industry 5.0 actually nests the
Industry 4.0 approach in a broader context, providing regenerative purpose and
directionality to the technological transformation of industrial production for
people-planet-prosperity rather than simply value extraction to benefit
An Industry 5.0 approach has very important consequences for the EU
industrial strategy writ large. It requires new economic orientations to industry
performance, new design for business models, value chains and supply chains,
new purpose for digital transformation, new approaches to policymaking in
partnership with business and industry, new capabilities and approaches to
research and innovation as well as vertical and horizontal coherence by acting
at all levels of government and through international standards. It addresses
recent knowledge and learnings from the COVID pandemic and the fundamental
need to build resilience across value chains and secure people’s lives and
livelihoods whilst living within planetary boundaries. It proposes a very different
set of enabling approaches to Europe’s so-called “twin transition”, intending to
connect digital transformation with sustainability and climate action. We explore
this below.
Table 1 – Differences between Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0
Industry 4.0 Industry 5.0
● Centred around enhanced
efficiency through digital
connectivity and artificial
● Technology – centred around the
emergence of cyber-physical
● Ensures a framework for industry
that combines competitiveness and
sustainability, allowing industry to
realise its potential as one of the
pillars of transformation
● Emphasises impact of alternative
modes of (technology) governance7
In essence, Industry 5.0 is a transformative model that reflects the evolution of
our thinking post COVID. It takes into consideration learnings from the
pandemic and the need to design an industrial system that is inherently more
resilient to future shocks and stresses and truly integrates European Green Deal
social and environmental principles.
2.1 Responsible at the value chain/ecosystem level
Industry 5.0 means first and foremost a decisive move away from neo-liberal
capitalism models with a focus on production for profit and “shareholder
primacy”, towards a more balanced view of value over time and a multi-valent
understanding of capital – human and natural as well as financial. This change
implies significantly more than due diligence for supply chains but an
understanding of de-risking through resilience building. Building resilience
throughout the value chain requires a people-planet-prosperity approach that
focuses on short-term levers and long-term planning rather than short term
profit seeking. A key learning from Covid-19 has been the importance of
resilience building across the value chain to ensure delivery of products and
services during crises. Companies stress testing and applying Environmental
Social Governance (ESG) criteria have already shown greater resilience during
the recent pandemic, therefore highlighting the potential role ESG can play in
de risking.
Emphasis on returns to shareholders, cherished by the Chicago school of
economics since the times of Milton Friedman, is today widely questioned
around the world, even in the United States where it has dominated markets
and market expectations. Even the increasingly popular notion of “stakeholder
capitalism”, while recognising corporate responsibility for ensuring that all
relevant interests represented in the firm are catered for, is insufficient to
enable a full transition to Industry 5.0.
Instead, a new European enterprise model should be based on the principles of
fairness, resilience, sustainability, circular economics, and multi-valent forms of
● Aligned with optimisation of
business models within existing
capital market dynamics and
economic models – i.e.
ultimately directed at
minimisation of costs and
maximisation of profit for
● No focus on design and
performance dimensions
essential for systemic
transformation and decoupling of
resource and material use from
negative environmental, climate
and social impacts
for sustainability and resilience
● Empowers workers through the use
of digital devices, endorsing a
human-centric approach to
● Builds transition pathways towards
environmentally sustainable uses of
● Expands the remit of corporation’s
responsibility to their whole value
● Introduces indicators that show, for
each industrial ecosystem, the
progress achieved on the path to
well-being, resilience and overall
capital – principles of new economic thinking and regenerative economics4. To
succeed, this approach will need to be recognised, promoted and rewarded by
financial markets and public procurement as the adopted model to ensure that
all relevant interests, inside and outside the firm, present and future, are
adequately pursued through business conduct and financial capital flows. Only
in this way, industry can become the real engine of the ‘twin transition’.
Industry 5.0 needs to model and bring into being a post-capitalist world that
ensures proper feedback loops between industrial transformation and a reevaluation of capital, including natural and human capital flows.
The onset of climate change and the need for deep decarbonisation constitute
an imperative for industry to transform core business models for the sake of
survival and economic resilience. Only by excelling relative to international
competitors on design principles for resiliency, renewal and regeneration of
resources and circular economics (e.g. redundancy, decentralisation, modular
production and distribution, circulation of materials as long as possible), will
Europe’s industry be able to reap the benefits of first mover advantage in
managing the strategic risks of climate change, climate action (transition risk),
environmental degradation and social and political instability. Deliberate, bold
action to transform and renew business models would also allow Europe to
exert greater global leadership on climate tipping points alongside social tipping
points by demonstrating what is possible and would enhance the credibility of
Europe’s desire to adopt a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, critical to
keep level playing field for EU companies.
2.2 Regenerative, circular economic, by design
Regenerative, circular economy approaches provide a framework for systems
solutions, and above all systemic transformation to enable sustainable core
business activities and industry models. This is the core of an Industry 5.0
approach and brings together three key systems principles, each led by a focus
on design.
The three principles can be summarised as:
● Design out waste and pollution.
● Keep products and materials in productive use and circulation.
● Regenerate natural systems and enhance carbon sinks.
A regenerative, circular economy offers more distributed, diverse and inclusive
models for industry, based on the intensified use of renewable energy and
circular value chains. Industry 5.0 needs to be given clear purpose in enabling
the transition to: industry-relevant, intersectoral, regenerative, circular
economic pathways. This means moving decisively beyond Industry 4.0
paradigms that encourage digitally-enabled extractive and consumptive
economic activity, which results in nothing other than an acceleration of
negative climate impacts and ecosystem loss.
4 Ben Haggard, Regenerative Economics; Gunter Pauli and Politecnico di Torino – 3D business models.9
BOX 1: The evolution of circular economic thinking
The nature of the transformation required to capture the full potential of
Industry 5.0 is systemic. That is, it will require a business level transformation
of product/service/system design, supply chain reconfiguration that moves
beyond a singular focus on cost optimisation or linearity, towards business
models and systems that are more restorative and regenerative by design. This
shift can be achieved by adopting a process-oriented whole system approach
that restores, renews and revitalises energy, materials and natural ecosystems.
The process-oriented whole system approach requires building on economic
models that enhance sharing, re-use, repair, re-manufacturing, re-sale and
recycling for products based on technical/non-biological materials. Alongside, it
is necessary to design for more biodiverse sourcing of ingredients and sourcing
of ingredients grown using regenerative agricultural practices for food, and use
of regenerative production approaches for bio-sourced materials, such as fiber
crops and forestry. Additionally, the underpinning circular economy principles
foster business operating models that utilise more localised material feedstock
and new manufacturing and digital capabilities.
Concepts of circular economy have gained global prominence and have gone
through a considerable evolution over the last two decades, and continue to
attract a wide range of definitions and debate. To be effective as a
framework to support and guide a structural transformation of economic
thinking, business models, and design of industry and trade such as
proposed by Industry 5.0, the circular economy needs to be applied as a
regenerative economic model and a framework for development of system
solutions that both protect and regenerate nature, as well as delivering
benefits to many global challenges.
To this end, the circular economy framework directs attention at three
principles: the elimination of waste and pollution, circulation of products and
materials in order to keep them productively in use in the economy for as
long as possible, and thirdly, the design of product and service systems to
regenerate nature and natural capital. The circular economy should be used
as a model that considers economic activity from a systems and business
eco-systems perspective, and is based on increased use of renewable
energy and materials, and is inherently more distributed, diverse, inclusive
and resilient. As a solutions framework it can be applied and used to guide
solution development at many levels, including product and product service,
system design through to business ecosystem, value chain, and supply
chain set-up and relationship transformation. As such, the circular economy
provides a powerful framework for enabling delivery of the European
Commission’s Green Deal and for being at the core of an Industry 5.0
Importantly, much can be done by businesses acting together to mobilise and
innovate circular economy solutions. For instance, many companies are now
actively investing in new product service solutions, many of which represent a
fundamental shift in approach, led by design, including rethinking material
choices, sourcing, supply chain practices and relationships, product packaging,
distribution, services models, digital channels and logistics relationships, and
marketing and communication.
A systemic Industry 5.0 approach will also necessitate a realignment of policy,
to support business innovation and transformation aligned with regenerative
circular economy principles and to encourage all companies to orient away from
linear, extractive, wasteful and polluting practices. Current policy and sector
siloes will need to be broken down and red tape removed that prevents
transformation. This shift in policy orientation needs to occur overall, but also at
a multiple scales and sector-specific levels, taking into account the particular
needs and barriers to transformation that currently exist within different
There are many examples of businesses redesigning and developing new value
chain models to take into account the economic opportunities inherent in
circular and regenerative business models. These examples also encompass
new and more agile customer engagement, sales, leasing models, production
and inventory methods possible as a result of new digital tools, which have
lower carbon impact and which respond to the changing global trade context.
Policy alignment to promote, optimise and enable these new business models
will be required and incentives put in place to support the front-runners and to
encourage laggards to follow leading practices.
2.3 Self-sustaining and adaptive, less fragile
The Covid-19 crisis – as most of the crises before – have exposed the limits of
our ability to make predictions in the context of complex systems. The
inextricable web of relations between the globalised economy and our
interconnected society made the management of the socio-economic
consequences of the pandemic a daunting task. Most importantly, we realised
that we live in an economy that was not planned to face emergencies that were
largely predictable (and indeed, predicted) such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
The imperative to strengthen our preparedness and embark into a journey of
systemic transformation is self-evident: we need to build businesses and
industries that keep functioning in the face of unexpected challenges and
increasingly major disruptions; a robust industrial system, which remains within
the planetary boundaries, leaves no one behind and, better, actively contributes
to wellbeing and planetary regeneration. Notably, the new industrial system will
have to reflect the growing post-COVID shift in human consciousness that
survival in the face of crisis and access to essential goods and services is more
important than the ownership of most material goods, all of which are useless
when confined to home living and virtual working.
By reducing Europe’s dependence on imports of strategic raw materials and
energy, a radically transformed, resource efficient Industry 5.0, powered by
regenerative, circular thinking and design would deliver new forms of economic
value and prosperity, greater European competitiveness and guarantee
strategic independence, a vital necessity that the Covid-19 crisis emphasised.
As demonstrated by recent studies, the global material budget will simply not11
suffice to cover the competing needs for materials of highly industrialised and
emerging nations. Thanks to decarbonisation, EU’s energy import dependence
would for instance be massively reduced, from 54% to 20% by 2050. The
optimisation paradigm on which global value chains (GVCs) were built is
efficient in the short run, but hides risks for future generations through complex
interdependencies, often diluting corporate responsibility into a web of
contractual provisions and questionable private certification schemes. Covid-19
revealed some of these fragilities due to the lack of diversification of supply
sources. The recent gas and microchip crises are further examples of our
propensity to foster industrial and resource dependencies rather than invest in
new infrastructure and self-sustenance. The redundancy of supply links might
not seem efficient but is the cornerstone of long-run resilience. We need to
move-away from a sole focus on efficiency metrics and embrace more holistic
approaches, redundancy and sovereignty wherever possible thus enhancing
local ecosystems for production for local consumption.
2.4 Decentralised, to achieve resilience and sustainability
Decentralisation is a critical step in all industrial sectors, not only digital. The
globalisation and centralisation of our current food systems expose many
regions to sudden shortages and even famines if link get severely disrupted. We
urgently need to map and reduce the gap between food production and food
consumption of all EU regions. That requires redesigning EU policy such as the
Common Agricultural Policy to focus on resilience and regenerative principles:
currently, 80% of the CAP funds go to very large corporations, and the impact
of these funds on the local economy is hard to gauge.
Shifting our agricultural policy to support a regenerative farm to fork system
that promotes the design of food cultivation, products and services that use
more diverse and re-generatively sourced seed and produce, as well as enhance
local production for local consumption from rural communities, will build more
resilient food corridors across the EU and between rural and urban
communities. Such an approach will not only foster more optimised and circular
food chains but will empower small holder farmers and rural communities by
bringing them back into the fold of European society as an essential function
within our economies.
Decentralization should not only be a core principle of the physical world, but
also of the digital one. Although the Web 2.0 has given opportunity to
technological platforms to capture value generated by content creators and
users’ data, Web 3.0 promises to build a new internet based on decentralization
and user sovereignty, thus both mirroring and enabling the evolution of work
and labour shifts.
2.5 Digitalised with purpose, to live within planetary boundaries
Digital technologies become an ever more central part of the life of people both
as citizens and as employees. They also have the potential to significantly
improve the comparative advantages of European manufacturing and thereby
protect or even re-shore industrial jobs. Europe’s industry will be digitalised, or
it will cease to exist.12
Yet over the past decade, the ongoing concentration of economic power, the
accumulation of value (and data) in the hands of a few (non-European)
technology companies, and the mainstream transformation and rapid growth of
online business models, have progressively led to unprecedented concerns in
terms of economic, social and environmental sustainability. The centralisation
and platformisation of digital business models has led many real economy
companies in a situation of dependency, many workers in a situation of
precarity, many citizens in a situation of private or public surveillance. It also
led the internet to become the largest fossil-fuel-powered machine in the world,
on track to generate 14% of global emissions by 2040. Furthermore, digital
platforms based on monetising data, and business models fuelled by advertising
revenue, are driving exponential consumption and demand for instantaneity, in
turn accelerating a vast and wasteful global trade and logistics industry that is
disastrous for emissions and for individual carbon footprints. As things stand,
without clear redirection and orientation of the digital transformation to enable
less wasteful, more energy efficient, more regenerative, distributed, diverse
and inclusive – more humane, respectful of people’s wellbeing and sense of self
– reliance on the digital economy is a very shaky pillar of the “twin transition”.
Digitalisation must shift from an “internet of things” to “digital for peopleplanet-prosperity”.
A regenerative vision for industry through an Industry 5.0 approach would offer
the timely opportunity to include specific holistic sustainability and resilience
targets within Europe’s digital roadmap, so digitalisation becomes a lever for
lowering the carbon and material footprint of Europe’s economy and industry
within it and shifts to a people and planet-centred approach. Digital
technologies could be harnessed to deliver on climate commitments, bringing
digital and green properly together. Artificial Intelligence (AI), for example, can
and should be designed and deployed for sustainability rather than being
independent or ignorant of it. Distributed ledger technologies, smart contracts
and NFTs can be coded for radical transparency, shared ownership of the
commons and automation on the principles of resilience, regeneration and
Digital technologies have a huge role to play in enabling more sustainable and
circular economic models, maximising efficiencies, providing greater
transparency, new design tools, new forms of business models, new approaches
to manufacturing, repair, upgrade, remanufacturing, re-use and re-sale, to
name a few. Drawing on combinations of sensors, distributed ledger, smart
contracts, multi-agent AI, automation and robotisation, nanotech and network
computing, digital transformation could play a crucial role in offering better
choices for citizens to consume and use resources in vastly more sustainable
ways while at the same time participating in the creation of new and better
forms of economic growth.
Designing technology infrastructure in a decentralised way geared towards
people-planet-prosperity, for example, would also encourage redundancy and
resilience, reducing the need for high emissions, costly and insecure information
and data flows towards remote data centres. It would also take into
consideration social needs and the well-needed human dimension of
digitalisation and AI. Emphasis on edge/cloud solutions is much needed in this
respect, but requires a fully functional data strategy, as well as innovation in
the domain of satellite technology, semiconductors and “embedded AI”. Building
this brand-new infrastructure will require a proactive industrial policy, as well as13
the ability to couple it with incentives to avoid that the digital transformation
leaves many workers behind, and consumes too much energy both in rural and
urban areas.
There is a need for an evidence-based debate on technological choices for
industry 5.0 in light of differentiated impact on GHG emissions, materials
circularity and other planetary boundaries as well as technology readiness levels
and social tipping points. Clarity must also be achieved in terms of synergies
and dilemmas around technologies targeting process emissions those
addressing GHG emissions from combustion of fossil fuels5. Europe’s industrial
policy and ‘twin transition’ framework needs to ensure that Industry 5.0 is
fundamentally and structurally different, not just a ‘software update’ of industry
4.0 but a truly innovative industrial revolution founded on human and planetary
needs versus just innovation for profit.
2.6 Measuring what matters: regenerative metrics and regulatory
The new industrial strategy would need to be based on totally new targets and
indicators for business performance and sustainability in business models rather
than the rather “classical” headline indicators of competitiveness presented by
the European Commission in July 2018 and enshrined in Industry 4.0, and only
partly revised in May 2021.
Policy and measurement of economic activity need to place greater emphasis on
the material/real economy over financial metrics and short term profiteering.
For example, Industry 5.0 should orient towards the optimisation of more
appropriate measures that reflect contemporary economic thinking, such as
‘return on material assets’ and material decoupling, ‘return on invested energy’,
‘return on natural assets’ and valuing human and natural capital. Moreover, in
progressing towards Industry 5.0, the EU should take a proactive leading role in
defining terms and measures that align with the vision as well as with other
policy tools such as the new Taxonomy framework and Foresight Dashboard
Flattening emissions from the production of materials through resource
efficiency and decoupling is becoming increasingly urgent. Globally, the
production of materials increased as a share of GHG emissions from 15% in
1995 to 23% in 2015.6 In the EU, switching to a genuine circular economy
would also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 39%.7 However, we have
a very long way ahead of us: only 11.2% of materials used in EU-27 were
circulated back into the economy in 2017.8 In the context of Europe’s triple
imperative, it will be important for the revised industrial strategy and European
enterprise model to set the right direction. This means for instance, building on
5 Wider environmental impacts of industry decarbonisation. Wood, Deloitte, IEEP, 2021, service contract for DG environment.
6 International Resource Panel, Resource Efficiency and Climate Change, (6th August 2020)
8 Eurostat. Circular Materials Use Rate (15th August 2020)
the “energy efficiency first” principles to a wider “resource efficiency first”
3 Governance to enable Industry 5.0: Key Actions
Ensuring that industry becomes a pillar and driver of sustainability,
regeneration of nature and inclusion rather than constituting a threat puts
radically new demands on government, public policy and the interaction
between industry and the state. First, it requires new policies and policy
instruments, new partnerships, and new objectives for policies affecting
industry. Second, it requires a portfolio approach to research and innovation
projects, combined with the willingness and a mandate to take informed risks.
Third, it requires agility, in the form of resource fluidity (i.e. the ability to
quickly allocate and reallocate budget and other resources), and in the form of
an improved ability to respond quickly to changing circumstances. Finally, it
requires an ability to link policy processes, policy areas and governance levels
in a more efficient and user-friendly manner, with users here defined as
industry, citizens, and other stakeholders. Thus, in a nutshell, industry 5.0
needs government 5.0.
3.1 A new role for Government: Industry 5.0 needs Government
Public sector decision-making and processes are out of sync with the speed,
uncertainty and transformation imperative.
In many countries, there is a significant discrepancy in the pace of change (and
sense of urgency?) between, on the one hand, companies, industries and
individuals, many of whom are acutely exposed to far-reaching disruption and
rapid change, and, on the other hand, large parts of the public sector that for
various reasons moves at a much slower speed. Tackling the increasingly
urgent and existential challenges we face, and seizing the opportunities that
arise in times of disruption, critically depend on a better alignment between the
public and private sector. Achieving this result requires the following steps.
· Policy processes, including regulatory change, need to focus more on
breaking path dependencies – in areas such as behaviour, regulations,
incentive structures and policy design – that lock us into old patterns of
consumption, production and organization. Policymaking needs greater
awareness of how to achieve ‘unlearning’, address lock-ins and overcome
inertia of patterns, policies and processes that prevent necessary and
desirable change.
· Compliance processes need to happen in parallel rather than sequentially.
Notably, there is a need for better governance of policy processes facing
new, disruptive and system-changing actors and solutions. Currently, the
achievement of systemic changes is hampered and discouraged by
sequential policy processes (first you get a permit from one government
agency, then you need approval from the next government agency, etc.)
which are out of sync with the pace of change required to tackle climate
change and handle technological changes and competitive pressures.
Furthermore, new actors and solutions often have to navigate a multitude
of government agencies with different expertise and responsibilities,
without anyone in government assuming a responsibility that the overall
processes are effective, synergistic and time appropriate.
· Public funding for research and innovation in service of creating new,
sustainable economic models, new markets and industrial ecosystems’
needs to break out of its safety net of seeking sector-based, individual,
business case driven projects assessed on the basis of discrete and
recognisable deliverables in order to create the conditions to fund portfolios
of actions that are more effective in facilitating unexpected, intersectoral
combinations and transformative options for large scale structural change.
· Public funding for research and innovation in service of creating new,
sustainable economic models, new markets and industrial ecosystems
needs to break out of its current risk aversion. Public funding of all types –
grants, project finance, lending and investment – is conditioned to seek
sector-based, individual, business-case-driven projects, assessed on the
basis of discrete and recognisable deliverables, with the result that
outcomes are more often than not siloed, substitutional and incremental.
An overhaul of the structures and support mechanisms for public funding is
needed in order to create the conditions to fund early and mid-stage
portfolios of actions that are more effective in facilitating unexpected,
intersectoral combinations and transformative options for large scale
structural change.
The current era of uncertainty, instability and rapid change calls for a degree of
resource fluidity, strategic agility and leadership in the public sector, that is at
odds with the existing budget processes, incentive structures, competencies
and institutional rigidities that characterize policymaking today.10
3.1.1 Policy coherence: walking the better regulation walk
A very important step would be to ensure that, when proposing new rules or
evaluating old ones, institutions assess their coherence with an ambitious EU
agenda for systemic transformation. Simply applying cost-benefit analysis to
new rules, or exclusively focusing on reducing regulatory costs would not lead
EU institutions to “walk the talk”. The choice of the best course of action to
address policy problems should be inspired by the need to achieve progress
towards the objectives mentioned in Section 2 above. When a regulatory
alternative reduces compliance costs but jeopardises systemic transformation, it
should not be chosen as the best possible option. In this respect, the European
Commission has already announced a gradual reorientation of the better
regulation agenda towards the sustainable development goals:11 however, so
10See e.g. Doz and Kosonen’s (2014) ”Governments for the Future: Building the Strategic and Agile State”
11 See and the new Communication on better regulation, “Joining
Forces to make better laws”, at
far this was only partly achieved, and took rather the form of an add-on to
previous methods than a transformational practice that leads the EU to measure
progress differently, and more meaningfully. If transformation is to be
achieved, then decision-making tools have to coherently follow.
The same applies to new tools that are associated with better regulation, such
as adaptive and experimental regulation, foresight and horizon scanning.
Future-proofing public policy requires anticipatory governance and regulation
(including regulatory sandboxes), foresight-based policymaking (with foresight
or “futurescoping”12 not only aimed at predicting technological development or
trends through horizon scanning, but also to proactively “shape the future”13)
and adaptive regulation.14 The mainstreaming of these tools in the daily
practice of the Commission is still in its infancy, and may require additional
guidance and investment over the coming years. Moreover, to maximise
impact, the development of transition pathways for industrial ecosystems
announced with the update of the EU industrial strategy in May 2021 should be
reconciled with the EU Industry 5.0 agenda, as well as with the use of horizon
scanning techniques.15
Regulation must also create an enabling environment for meaningful innovation
for sustainability by building on existing good practices. One example is the
Best Available Techniques Reference documents (BREFs) as part of the
forthcoming reform of the Industrial Emissions Directive, but also the
emergence of markets for innovative products and processes through ecodesign and green procurement. Innovation for sustainability must also be
supported by rewarding frontrunners and discouraging laggards. For this, the
full internalisation of the costs of externalities is paramount and can be
operationalised through the phase of Fossil Fuel Subsidies, the reform the
Energy Tax Directive and further tax reforms aligned with the polluter pays
Considering the speed with which technologies and new business models
transform entire industries, planning for structural disruption regularly and
proactively is key. The establishment of a culture of social dialogue at all levels
(company, sector, regional and national) becomes imperative to ensure smooth
and just workforce transitions, to help those whose jobs are at a risk to move to
another job of the same or even better quality and to support the regeneration
of adversely affected regions, industrial zones, cities and communities at large.
The distributional impact of the twin transition will have a deep impact on our
ways of living and will fail if due care is not invested in maintaining social
cohesion. The gig and freelance economy, for example, needs to be regulated
so that all workers have access to standard labour contracts. Compensation
mechanisms need to be developed for those that are affected by an
accumulation of increasing heating, housing and transportation costs. Energy
poverty (11% of European citizens and projected to grow exponentially in the
next decade) must be addressed by all means and basic needs such as
12 See
13 GCPSE Foresight_Summary.pdf
14 Anticipatory Innovation Governance – Observatory of Public Sector Innovation Observatory of Public Sector
Innovation (; Anticipatory regulation | Nesta
15 European Commission, Communication “Updating the 2020 New Industrial Strategy: Building a stronger Single
Market for Europe’s recovery”, 5 May 2021, at
affordable transport and housing must be guaranteed for all. Without social
acceptance, the twin transition of our societies will fail. Trade unions must make
sure that the green, regenerative economy is co-created and co-shaped by
workers rather than handed down from above.
3.1.2 Harnessing the power of public private collaboration: shaping markets
and tilting the playing field
Governments have to do more than just fixing different types of market failures
(taking care of positive and negative externalities due to pricing failures). They
will have to incentivise investments in low-carbon and smart technologies,
support the creation of new and viable markets for regenerative, circular
economic models and business activities, enable creation of new business
ecosystems and value chains, enhance new partnerships domestically and
internationally, shape the demand side though procurement policy, price
mechanisms and a supportive regulatory framework and most importantly
ensure a “just transition”, as it will be social tipping points that will create
economic collapse before environmental tipping points. Public authorities must
steer investment-led economic development across many different sectors and
instead of picking the winners, governments should rather support the “willing”
and the “innovative”, those companies willing to partner, transform and
innovate towards the new green and social paradigm16.
The latest IPCC report highlights the need for policy to insist on the immediate
rather than gradual phasing out of fossil fuels as a source of energy and
disconnection of economic growth from CO2 emissions, leading to a steep
reduction of the material and energy content of consumption pattern and
production methods and an immediate incentivisation to further accelerate and
scale alternative solutions. Strong policy signals supported by active and
integrated innovation ecosystems would enable a well-managed transition to a
regenerative, circular economic and climate-neutral economy that in turn offers
the opportunity to reinvigorate Europe’s industries and create new employment
opportunities in sustainable value chains.
This requires a coherent approach between policies covering industrial
installations (IED), assets (taxonomy), supply chains (due diligence), products
(product policy), materials (CEAP), pricing (ETS, CBAM, environmental fiscal
reform), sectors and systems (agriculture, energy, forestry, nutrition, mobility,
healthcare and housing) and finally trade.
3.2 Corporate Governance 5.0
To set the course for systemic transformation, corporations need to change
their mindset, and orient their action towards Industry 5.0 objectives. The
consequences of such a transition are profound, and directly challenge the
incentive scheme followed by most corporations today, focused on short term
gains, as well as on shareholder primacy. The need to depart from the
shareholder model of capitalism has been evoked even by past champions of
this approach such as the American Business Roundtable, and was echoed by
16 Fixing markets isn’t enough. We have to actively shape and create them and tilt the playing field in the direction of the growth we
want.” Mariana Mazzucato & Rainer Kattel & Josh Ryan-Collins. “Challenge-Driven Innovation Policy: Towards a New Policy Toolkit”,
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 26 December 2019
the World Economic Forum and by U.S: President Joe Biden among others. At
the same time, moving towards “stakeholder capitalism” is also unlikely to lead
to an adequate consideration of the need for deep, systemic transformation.
As a result of the existing mismatch between corporate incentives and needed
objectives, business leaders wishing to place their corporations on a
transformative path are often criticised, when not ousted by their boards. This
is why a new European Enterprise Model is needed, in which corporate progress
and performance are measured coherently with the role businesses are
expected to play in this ambitious, transformative plan. The current work of the
European Commission on proposing a new framework for sustainable corporate
governance appears to be timely and necessary, but its current legislative
trajectory appears to be facing significant challenges. While an in-depth
analysis of the current proposal would fall beyond the scope of this paper, it is
important to highlight the importance of requiring that companies’ board
integrate sustainability aspects into the business strategy, and set measurable,
specific, time-bound and science-based sustainability targets to measure
progress along those objectives.
Alongside legal reform, strengthening the framework for corporate social
responsibility will contribute to the implementation of the objectives of
industrial policy. By Introducing legal frameworks, minimum standards and
certification/labelling, non-financial reporting on sustainability, mandatory due
diligence and business model or strategic innovation in order to make CSR an
effective tool to ensure that companies do not only act in a maximising profit
way but take proper account of social/ environmental/general interest concerns
as part of their ‘license to operate’. It should be the ambition of the European
Pillar of Social Rights to guarantee that all workers have access to standard
labour contracts with fair working conditions and to support all workers in their
transition to the jobs and skills of a low-carbon economy.
3.2.1 The importance of social governance 5.0
Job creation is central to the New Social and Green Deal Contract, along with
human rights, social protection, equality, and inclusion. A strong Europe wide
employment market is also central to the region’s recovery and to building, the
resilience needed to future shocks and stresses.
Workers are calling on governments to come together with unions, employers
and other key stakeholders to set ambitious job creation and retainership
targets as a matter of urgency. To that end, a large portion of job creation and
new skills development should happen through the catalysation of a net zero
carbon, circular and regenerative job market. The European Commission’s own
ESDE report (2019) shows that not only do climate change policies boost the
European job market but climate inaction would have significant socio-economic
costs for Europe, particularly Southern Europe.
Industry 5.0 therefore requires social innovation to enhance prosperity and
foster good quality jobs alongside measures to support education and skill
training to enable workers to adapt to a shifting job market. This includes
access to technology to avoid digital gaps in regions with less industrial
development and the creation of employment and opportunity with a focus on19
ensuring economic security and social justice at the same time. Equal access to
education and healthcare as well as safeguarding social mobility are
fundamental roles of governments (at least in Europe) and vital prerequisites
for revolutionising industry and making it people- and planet-proof.
A major pillar of European social policy and Industry 5.0 must be the
formalisation of at least 50% of informal jobs by 2030, thus enabling the
successful implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 8. The ILO
debate on the Future of work shows that new forms of work need new rules to
protect people from growing exploitation and inequalities, and to avoid a dual
labor market. Industry 5.0 must be embedded with this spirit.
Weakened collective bargaining, through decentralisation and allowing
companies to deviate from collective agreements, was a tactic used by
governments in the last economic crisis to try to stimulate jobs by reducing socalled ‘rigidities’ in the labor market. The ILO debate on the Future of work and
the ILO Recommendation 104 shows that new forms of work need new rules to
protect people from growing exploitation and inequalities, and to avoid a dual
labor market17. Industry 5.0 must be embedded with this spirit.
Another key element to stimulating decent jobs is well-targeted procurement
strategies – which can explicitly encourage and support suppliers,
manufacturers, and service providers who meet requirements for sustainability,
resilience and regenerative principles, and create clear conditions on the quality
of jobs that are offered including in the care sector industry. Procurement
strategies can also include conditions for employing disadvantaged or
underrepresented groups in the labour market. Such fair procurement
strategies are especially important in supporting decent work in all sectors
related to climate action and environmental protection, where procurement is
widely used.
3.2.2 Research and innovation designed to drive systemic industrial
Scientific, social and industry-led paradigm shifts have triggered profound
changes in mindsets, skills and capabilities over multiple generations both as a
necessary consequence of difference and as an enabling condition for structural
changes to take hold and scale, establishing a new set of norms and
expectations. The Industrial Revolution represented one such shift that
transformed education, apprenticeships, research and innovation practices and
the nature of work. Work on industry 4.0 has increasingly highlighted the
existence of skills gaps, the need for re-skilling and up-skilling across the board,
particularly in manufacturing and operations18, widening intergenerational
differences between those born digitally native and those not and a
concentration of market power in the hands of developers able to code and
ILO Report of the “Global Commission on the future of work” chaired by Cyril Ramaphosa and Stefan Löfven.–en/index.htm
18 See for example McKinsey, August 7, 2020:
The industrial transformation that Europe now needs to achieve sustainable
living and the protection and regeneration of nature will require a comparable
scale of change in ways of thinking and working, knowledge, core
competencies, leadership and collaboration capabilities and above all, research
and innovation practices. This is not optional: in the words of Sharan Burrow,
General Secretary, ITUC, “there are no jobs on a dead planet”, nor on a planet
trapped in vicious cycles of pandemia, physical environmental catastrophes and
consequent mental health crises.
3.2.3 Transition pathways and strategic innovation for industry-led
Industry 5.0 must create an enabling framework for rapid development and
deployment of innovation within industry and resilience building within value
chains, including increased R&D funding for industrial low-carbon, regenerative
circular economic solutions, but also changes to regulatory frameworks covering
Eco-design and BREFs (Best Available Technique Reference Documents)19. This
represents a significant opportunity for European competitiveness. If Europe’s
triple imperative to protect, prepare and above all transform is taken seriously
by Europe’s leading businesses, industry would in turn activate the power of
European research and innovation to provide a world class mechanism for
accelerated learning, business model transformation and new opportunities for
investment and scaling.
Strategic, systemic approaches to innovation should be deployed at the heart of
Industry 5.0 to enable learning and to support deliberately adopted
transformation of existing businesses, small and large, as well design of new
industrial ecosystems and value chains, adopting principles of regeneration,
circularity and resilience wherever possible. Likewise, applying these principles
would encourage the European industry to make more of Europe’s strength in
small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and industrial clusters, which contain
multiple pieces of the transformative puzzle we need to put together. At the
same time, these principles represent the means to more multi-nodal,
decentralised and localised industrial ecosystems able to share common
principles and at the same time provide greater supply chain resiliency.
European research and innovation policy would need to change in turn,
however, to encourage more flexible, genuinely experimental and riskembracing approaches to innovation development and deployment in
partnership with industry, less bureaucracy for SMEs seeking access R&D
support and greater incentives for cross-pollination across research and
innovation stages and across sectors. Above all, achieving the promise of
Industry 5.0 to enable people, planet and prosperity to come together, would
require industrial R&D policy and programming to enshrine principles of cocreation and mutualism with key stakeholders starting with the most
marginalised and least influential.
3.2.4 Skills and mindsets for complex adaptive businesses
In a rapidly changing global context, COVID-19 has spurred innovation and
entrepreneurship in the US and China whereas in Europe the rate of ‘churn’ and
disruption (in a positive sense) is lagging behind. Europe continues to focus on
protecting and not nearly as much on encouraging and enabling transformation.
In principle, the underlying strength of Europe’s values-based investment in
basic well-being and social protection in most member states should provide a
more robust basis from which to encourage and support speed, risk-taking and
experimentation in the private sector and in government and academia.
Industry 5.0 implies mind-sets, skills and capabilities, from entry level
employees to boards of directors, trained to understand complexity, think in
systems, using complexity friendly tools and methodologies, design principles,
experiential learning, action and reflection cycles and iterations20. Curiosity,
adaptability, empathy and responsibility for interdependence and for long-term
outcomes will need to become foundational objectives for qualification and for
In this sense, Industry 5.0 would present significant challenges and demand for
new contemporary learning and education approaches that can scale and meet
the needs of new entrants and re-skilling of the incumbent workforce; as well
as a rapid reset of curricula and core tenets of business and economics for new
generations of students. Transformation of vocational educational institutions
and business schools in particular is particularly pressing and would require a
comprehensive overhaul of existing academic programmes to focus on the
development of future business and policy leaders with a solid understanding of
complex systems and decision-making.
Meeting this need constitutes a significant opportunity for Europe, and in
particular for European universities. Partnering with an industry-led vanguard
focused on circularity, resilience and regeneration could provide the conditions
for European universities to shorten the time to distribution and dissemination
of new knowledge (e.g. academic research); as well as to reform education
(undergraduate, graduate and lifelong learning) and promote strategic
innovation portfolios. A deepening of public private partnerships designed to
accelerate industrial transformation and collaboration along sustainability lines
could stimulate European universities to become better hotbeds of innovation,
not just through commercialisation of research (tech transfer and licensing
offices) but also through renewal of education (content/form/reach), through
co-creation and new forms of interaction with SMEs, industrial clusters and
society, and by being ‘living labs’ (e.g. testing and procuring new solutions)21.
Designing for effective regeneration, circularity, and resilience in sustainable
business models and value chains will require intersectoral crossovers, crosspollination and new collaborative industrial ecosystems to make the most of the
rich properties of nature-based materials, integrated multi-disciplinary teams to
achieve multi-dimensional business models, creating multiple forms of value. As
a specific complement to the systems thinking and complexity skills mentioned
above, Industry 5.0 will need to attract and invest in building mind-sets, skills
and capabilities capable of sustaining long-term partnerships and radical crossboundary collaborations and governance, including co-creation across
disciplines. These skills are not currently core to curricula in secondary and
tertiary education and usually come as a result of later stage maturity and
20 See David Snowden on the domains of obvious, complicated, and complexity: Snowden, D and Rancati, A; “Managing complexity
(and chaos) in times of crisis. A field guide for decision makers inspired by the Cynefin framework”,
21 Sylvia Schwaag et al, Renewal of Higher Education: Academic Leadership in Times of Transformation (
lifelong learning. They will need to be developed from an early age, again
requiring an overhaul of the structures and embodied practices of educational
and training institutions. They will also need to be taught as a priority to
decision makers, boards of directors and middle managers throughout European
businesses and in the public sector to enable one of the most critical
intersectoral crossovers: that between the public and private sectors, between
industry and public administration in managing the commons and for the
common good.
3.3 Vertical and horizontal coherence, at all levels of government
and through international standards
To be effective, the ambition level for transition to Industry 5.0 would need to
be aligned to the scale of challenges facing Europe and the world, and at the
same time target national and international policies, as well as critical
subnational actors like cities, regional bodies and local communities where
consumer behaviour and public sentiment catalyses demand.
3.3.1 Pan-European and International scale
Industry 5.0 represents an opportunity for Europe to reframe the quality of its
leadership in the world through international cooperation, openness (while at
the same time strengthening strategic autonomy in a way which is aligned with
SDGs) and leadership in setting standards and norms for new manufacturing,
sustainability, ethics and a digital economy/society. To give an example: less
than 1% of textiles are currently collected and returned to the value chain post
use in Europe, and the trends are worsening not improving. Setting an ambition
level within an Industry 5.0 context at the sector level focused on regenerative,
circular economy principles and material flows/use, aligned with the vision,
would send a strong signal to the actors in the economy that policy is realigning to a new economic paradigm. Setting an EU target of say 50% of
textiles materials flows returning to the value chain by 2030 would be
appropriate and focus R&D on high potential high impact and scalable new
technologies, encourage the alignment of value chain actors and the creation of
captive demand, alignment of capital and scale infrastructure investment.
However, this would need to be accompanied with a proper trade and
development policy fostering cooperation, secondary market and circular
economy infrastructure in third countries to ensure a fair and just transition.23
3.3.2 International rule making and standards setting
Global leadership would be further reinforced by leveraging the institutions and
precedents for global financial rule making used in the wake of the credit crisis.
Europe could set up an ‘Industry Stability Board’ analogous to the Financial
Stability Board, recognizing the scale of systemic, strategic risks facing
businesses and industries in Europe and globally from multiple connected
shocks and stresses as well transition costs.
This would imply identifying industry and businesses globally and locally that
are deemed ‘too systemically important to fail’ whereby failure = failure to
transform in a fair and just manner while meeting the objectives of the Green
Deal. These businesses would be required to demonstrate evidence of change
to meet a set of de-carbonisation requirements, resiliency measures, circular
economy principles, regenerative practices and stakeholder requirements
(people-planet-sustainable prosperity) in order to continue to have access to
credit, regulatory approvals and licenses to operate. Europe should also use FTA
negotiations to collaborate with partners on ways to ratchet sustainability
standards for industry, internalising eco-design standards or its forthcoming
product policy and ensuring decent work and social criteria.
3.3.3. Regional focus
Innovation policy by definition targets more technologically advanced regions,
those at the cutting edge of technological progress. Industry 5.0, because of its
core principles of inclusivity and resiliency, implies strengthening innovation
systems in regions in the periphery or those that are facing structural changes
deserves special policy attention e.g. by taking into account the different levels
of technological development when developing research and innovation
The regional dimension deserves much more attention in the design of
industrial policy. Industrial and technological progress has strong agglomeration
effects and industry (especially in new emerging value chains) tend to
concentrate in the more innovative, leading regions. Economic disparities across
regions are persistent and deepening in Europe, leading to virtuous circles in
the core regions and vicious circles in the periphery. Moreover, the climate
transition will have a significant impact on carbon-dependent and less
developed regions. All this is leading to a growing number of ‘left-behind’ and
‘de-industrialised’ regions in the EU (not only regions formerly dependent on
To deal with the decline of regions, Industry 5.0 offers an opportunity to
strengthen European resilience and security through regional redevelopment
plans that localise transformation strategies and combine economic
revitalisation programmes with social support and active labour market policies.
Deliberate support and incentives for new business development and capability
building to implement structural reforms at regional level would improve the
quality of institutions, modernise industrial infrastructure, upgrade the skill
structure and enable the development of policies that allow moves to higher
22 See also the work by the European Commission on smart specialization for sustainability and transformation: Smart Specialisation
Strategies for Sustainability (S4) – Smart Specialisation Platform ( and Place-based innovation for sustainability – Smart
Specialisation Platform (
value added activities. These plans have to be supported by smart specialisation
strategies, which are a regional and innovation-oriented form of industrial policy
with a view to unlock latent comparative advantages of a region. Support must
be provided in the form of capacity building to ensure the effective uptake of
available funding mechanisms as well as to formulate a tailor-made approach
for each region. Finally, the deployment of a circular economy with its
decentralised value chains offers opportunities for creating local jobs.
4 Our Call to Action: ESIR Industry 5.0 Action Plan
The triple Imperative and the role of industry
what who
Deep transformation of business
models where sustainability is a
natural component and driver of
international competitiveness
Industry, government, financial
sector / investors, civil society, NGOs
Full re-orientation of the Better
Regulation agenda towards a postGDP paradigm
Government (EU Commission and
Changes in the mind-set and
economic approaches to policy,
finance investment and corporate
Industry, financial sector / investors,
government, civil society / NGOs
Fundamental redesign of value
chains to embrace new technological
possibilities and sustainability, as
well as circular economic and societal
Adoption of metrics and indicators
that allow for the measurement of
progress towards the vision
Industry, Government, Investors,
A regulatory system that effectively
guides accelerated compliance,
adoption and best practice
New Economic Orientation and New Approaches to Industry Performance
what who
Greater emphasis in policy and
measurement of economic activity on
the material/real economy over
financial metrics to optimise ‘return
on material assets’, return on
invested energy’, ‘return on natural
assets’ and ‘value of human capital’
Industry, Government, Financial
sector, civil society and NGOs
Transitioning from a narrow “energy
efficiency first” principle to a wider
Industry, Investors25
“resource efficiency first” principle.
A system of due diligence for all
value chains that bring their products
into the EU Single Market
Government, Industry
Reduced labour taxation (particularly
for lower income workers),
internalising pollution costs through
environmental fiscal reform,
considering the role of higher
corporate and digital taxation; and
discussing the application of a
universal basic dividend or income
A regulatory system that effectively
guides accelerated compliance,
adoption and best practice
New Design for Business Models, Value Chains and Supply Chains
what who
Redesign EU policies such as the
Common Agricultural policy on the
basis of resiliency principles (p. 8)
Design reshoring of economic
activities in such a way that it will
reduce the overall carbon and
material footprint of the supply
chain. (p. 9)
New Purpose for Digital Transformation, Achieve Life within Planetary
what who
Harness digital technologies to
deliver on climate commitments,
bringing digital and green properly
Industry, Financial sector
New Approaches to Policy-Making
what who
Make a green and social industrial
strategy the cornerstone of the
Green Deal to address the challenges
of the twin green and digital
transitions. The Green Deal has to be
complemented by a long-term
industrial strategy that prepares
Government in interaction with
industry for the digital and lowcarbon economy and allows it to
remain competitive and just while
Put in place a coherent approach
between policies covering industrial
installations (IED), assets
(taxonomy) supply chains (due
diligence) products (product policy),
materials (CEAP), pricing (ETS,
CBAM, environmental fiscal reform),
sectors and systems (agriculture,
energy, forestry, nutrition, mobility,
healthcare and housing and trade
Create a ‘one-stop shop’ for
companies to interact with the public
sector on industrial transformation
(streamline and expedite processes,
facilitate interaction with different
agencies and public sectors)
Government in consultation with
Rethink the role of the public sector
in enabling the transition to Industry
5.0 (objectives, instruments, policy
coherence, partnerships,
Government in consultation with
New Capabilities and Approaches to Research and Innovation
what Who
Change regulatory frameworks
covering Eco-design and BREFs (Best
Available Technique Documents)
Government in interaction with
Increase R&D funding for industrial
low-carbon circular and regenerative
economy solutions
Government in consultation with
Change European research and
innovation policies: - encourage more flexible, genuinely
experimental and risk-embracing
approaches to innovation
development and deployment in
partnership with industry - reduce bureaucracy for SMEs
seeking access to R&D support - greater incentives for crosspollination across research and
innovation stages and across
Government in consultation with
stakeholdersGetting in touch with the EU
Getting in touch with the EU
All over the European Union there are hundreds of Europe Direct information centres.
You can find the address of the centre nearest you at:
Europe Direct is a service that answers your questions about the European Union.
You can contact this service:
– by freephone: 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (certain operators may charge for these calls),
– at the following standard number: +32 22999696, or
– by email via:
Finding information about the EUormation about the EU
Information about the European Union in all the official languages of the EU is available on the Europa
website at:
You can download or order free and priced EU publications from: Multiple copies of free publications may be obtained by contacting
Europe Direct or your local information centre (see
For access to legal information from the EU, including all EU law since 1952 in all the official language
versions, go to EUR-Lex at:
The EU Open Data Portal ( provides access to datasets from the EU. Data
can be downloaded and reused for free, for both commercial and non-commercial purposes